Amazing Achievement at the 2019 Apps for Good Awards

On Tuesday 18th June, teams from across the UK gathered in London for the Annual 2019 Apps for Good Awards. After spending the morning at a leading tech company office, students then met at CodeNode, SkillsMatter to pitch their product to a panel of ‘Dragons’ made up of professionals from our partners. This year we’re overjoyed to see entries including Mobile Apps, Internet of Things devices and Machine Learning models, demonstrating the incredible ingenuity and technical skills of our student teams. The professionalism, maturity and innovation shown by all of the teams was truly inspirational and the Apps for Good team, our corporate partners and all of our supporters are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2019 Apps for Good Awards.  

See our Flickr account for more amazing pictures from our Awards.

The Digital Explorers category, supported by LEGO, for students aged 9-12.

And the winner is…Worry No More!

Worry No More is an App that seeks to provide support for children who have a friend / family member suffering from cancer. The team dealt with this very delicate topic in a mature, sensitive and empathetic manner that was even more impressive when one considers that all of the team members were 11 years old. The judges selected this entry as they felt it was incredibly well researched and could positively change the lives of many children and young people.

Rising Stars, supported by BNY Mellon, for students aged 13-15.

And the winner is…Ovary Acting!

The topic of period poverty and the sustainability of sanitary products is one that directly affects over half of the world’s population and indirectly affects everyone. The concept of combining features that monitor menstrual cycles whilst also providing support and guidance differentiated this product from other existing products on the market. The team managed this enormous problem in a confident, knowledgeable and mature manner that particularly impressed the judges and led to their win.

Founders and Leaders, supported by Eight Roads, for students aged 15-18.

And the winner is…Memoire!

With over 46 million people experiencing dementia world wide and an increasingly aged population, the Memoire group had selected an issue that affects a staggering 1 in 6 of us. Their concept of combining mind stimulating games along with pairing to a carers device led to a winning idea with judges commending how thoroughly researched the idea was and how comprehensively the team answered the questions.

Social Pioneers, supported by Spotify, showcasing digital solutions with the biggest potential for social change.

And the winner is…Breathe Away!

The judges were absolutely blown away by Breathe Away! Breathe Away is an Internet of Things inhaler that carefully tracks and monitors usage and levels so that users can successfully manage their condition. The judges commented that they had not seen anything like this before and praised the thorough research and professional presentation of the team.

The Emerging Tech category, supported by Ultra IR, showcasing the best Machine Learning models and Internet of Things devices.

And the winner is…Ultra IR!

Ultra IR is a Machine Learning model that will detect medical abnormalities on ultrasound scans. The judges praised the application of Machine Learning and the enormous potential for social good. The team had conducted a plethora of research and used personal experience to bring their idea to life for the judges.

The People’s Choice Award, supported by Vodafone, showcasing the people’s favourite.

And the winner is…Digi-Scan!

This year the People’s Choice Award received almost 7000 votes from across the globe. Whilst all of the teams did a commendable job at promoting their ideas on social media and engaging with attendees in the marketplace, one team’s idea had particular resonance as it would have solved issues faced by many currently in the media. Digi-Scan combs all of your social media and highlights any posts that would be considered offensive / detrimental to you obtaining a job.

Impact Prizes, supported by EPAM Systems, recognising individuals who are instrumental to our impact.

Educator of the Year

Apps for Good would be unable to exist without the support of the thousands of delivering educators across the UK. This year Marc McWhirter from Speyside High School has been invaluable to Apps for Good by working closely with our content creator Donna to help refine our Machine Learning Course.

Education Partner of the Year

Challney School for Girls has been very active in their delivery of Apps for Good and over the past year have partaken in numerous Expert sessions as well as a Hangout with EPAM and an in School Dragon’s Den style Hangout with Spotify, Lego and Challney Boys School. Azar has been enthusiastic in his delivery and support of his students enabling Challney School for Girls to make the most of the Apps for Good experience.

Expert of the Year

Our 2019 Expert of the Year is Niccolo Zapponi from Salesforce. After an in school ‘Design an App in a Day’ session, Niccolo has been fundamental in helping students from a team called ‘Ocean Force’ to design and build a working prototype of their app which aims to help reduce the amount of plastic polluting our oceans. In addition to this tremendous feat, Niccolo has also taken part in numerous Expert sessions, enriching the experience of Apps for Good pupils across the country.

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